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Bid with eBay, Shop with Amazon, Organize with PortalPanel

Updates are piling up so fast that we can’t keep up with them on this blog. Take it as a hint to check our Facebook page more often or simply log on to your PortalPanel account and see all these features in action.

Last time we introduced the most exciting part of the smart link recognition system—video bookmarking. Now it’s time to cover the rest that ar no less spectacular and useful.

eBay, Amazon, IMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes... What these seemingly different websites have to do with PortalPanel? Not much, but we know that they are important to you and so we made a priority to integrate their services into our online bookmarking tool set.

It’s all about making PortalPanel feature-rich without losing our main focus on creating the best user experience and top-notch tools for students, journalists, librarians, researchers and anyone who has ever found something interesting on the internet.

Next time you bid on one of the eBay auctions or embark on a journey to find the most awesome product on, bookmark the link to the item. Our smart link recognition system will identify the link source, interact with it and provide you with the information you need to complete your bidding and shopping successfully.

For both Amazon and eBay, a saved link will produce an image of the item and current price.  In case of the eBay item, users are also able to see the final sales price once the auction is over (we hope you won!).

The link recognition system goes even further. Bookmark a link to a movie currently listed with IMBD or Rotten Tomatoes and PortalPanel will display live ratings for you. In case of IMBD, their star rating will be displayed; Rotten Tomatoes link will show two different ratings: Tomatometer and Audience rating.

These days, having a few browser windows or tabs open is inevitable, but having ten or twenty is unnecessary, let alone distracting and inefficient. We know many of you use PortalPanel as your home page. Now you are able to do even more ON your home page WITH your homepage.

Just try adding any of the above to your collection and see how things have changed!

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