There is no shortage of online bookmarking tools. And yet we are certain you are going to find a place for PortalPanel in your daily routine of consuming and organizing web content. Why? Because PortalPanel is different. How? Find a few reasons below.
1. PortalPanel panel is free from distractions.
Some online bookmarking tools have grown into monstrous applications and lost their initial purpose in the process. Although PortalPanel features three applications in one (online bookmarking, a unique calendar, and web library), the apps are clearly separated. The homepage is devoted for one thing only: organizing your web finds and providing you with a platform to create a custom web experience. In addition, the application is free to use—no membership plans or upsells.
2. PortalPanel strikes a perfect balance between the need to share and the need for privacy.
Some web bookmarking tools are all about sharing. They definitely have their own niche, but this is not what PortalPanel is about. We have created a tool to organize your bookmarks, not another social media portal. Place the websites you frequent the most in your homepage; create separate folders for everything else; password-protect any folder you want for extra security. If you feel like sharing something—post it on your Facebook wall or let everyone know on Twitter. (In the near future, we’ll introduce our unique custom sharing structure, but we promise not to go overboard with it.)
3. PortalPanel makes a perfect home page.
What is your current homepage? A news portal, a home page of a search engine; iGoogle? Google has announced that it will retire iGoogle on November 1st, 2013. If you’re an iGoogle fan, it’s time to start looking for an alternative. No matter what your current home page is, PortalPanel makes a perfect one. The most obvious reason being… it’s so much more than a homepage. The latter implies singularity (one home page, one item), whereas PortalPanel allows you to carry a complete catalogue of your online library, even if all you need today is a couple of items. Didn’t you get used to carrying around tens of books squeezed in one little eReader? PortalPanel is to bookmarks what a Kindle is to eBooks! Bookmark, organize, and pull it up on demand!
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